Friday, October 25, 2013


Its a commonality in our day in age. Everything moves faster than it ever has since the dawn of man. We now get news updates on current happenings minutes after they have happened, and the news is updated frequently. We put entire entrees into microwaves and they are ready in 15 minutes or less, where it would have taken 4 hours just 10 years ago. We can buy clothes in our size without even trying, instead of having to go to a tailor to get correct fitting clothes. So, as we have become used to our fast paced world, we get annoyed and impatient when things are not immediately available and things arnt going as fast paced as we would like them to. We tend to get fed up and move onto something that we think may do whatever we need it do to faster. The downside to this technological world however, is that people have lost the will to be patient. They have lost the idea of "Good things come to those who wait." mentality.

How exactly, does this tie into the online sex working industry? Well, in many ways really. a job such as this is sales driven. The first thing that brings them into your room is the screen shot they see. A little peak of what you are doing. If you look like you are enjoying yourself, they will most of the time enter. Then it is your job to keep them in your room by keeping them happy and intrigued enough to not move on...To stay interested in what you are giving and to make them want it enough to actually buy your product. The viewers are able to read your body language on a subconscious level. They can tell when you are bored, fed up, and being impatient. And when they are wanting to take their time to talk with you, play with you, and hang out with you then eventually fap to you cumming; the last thing they want to see is you being bored because it isn't sexy.
   So as far as the, not getting impatient with your viewers not tipping you enough, or you not earning enough; There is hope. There are ways to get past this and learn to be patent again!

  1. Smile. Even if you really arnt happy. Just do it! there is scientific evidence that if you keep a smile on your face for more than 3 minutes when you are any type of stressed, that endorphins will be released into your body making you happier. This, in turn, will make your viewers happier to see you, making them talk more, so you may flirt with them more, making you more money. Its just a really big happy circle! 
  2. Move from where you are currently camming from. Sometimes we get bored with out background without even realizing it. This ties into the subconscious level. If you get bored, your viewers will to, making them not want to tip you, making you unhappy and impatient. The new spot, even if  its just the opposite wall, could change everything for you.
  4. Don't be afraid to give something out for free. The best companies always give out free items. For you it would be bending over just enough for them to see the outline of your ass, or a quick nip slip.
  5. When trolls come in your room, have a good time with them. They are in there to try and bum you out. To hurt your feelings. That is their main goal. All you have to do is piss them off by not letting them get to you! It excites your room to see you playing around with these trolls and just brings back fun into the situation. 
  6. Communicate. Make sure you are keeping in touch with your followers. If you are not able to be on during your usual time. Let them know and give them a little picture to have for the evening while they wait for you to come back. The more you talk with the offline, the more they will think of you and remember that you are there! So you dont get forgotten, you dont forget them and everyone can continue to have a good time.
You can use pick and choose these tools to your liking. Find out what works for you. The key is, to keep yourself going. An object in motion, stays in motion. And it is definitely hard to pick up the pace again when it slows down. But no one has ever gotten success without putting in their time of hard work. Keep on being sexy. Flirty, and lovely ladies and gentlemen. 

Until Next Time....


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