Monday, January 20, 2014

Outing myself

This week before I left for Vegas, I told my family what I do for a living.
I was terrified.
My mother was raised southern baptist. I didn't even get the sex talk when I was younger because its just something that the family does not do. My step father is pretty Internet retarded, so he has no idea what a cam model is. 
My husbands family is very very Mexican Catholic, extremely conservative. Comfortable middle class people with good jobs, good life, just right. 

I have never once been embarrassed or ashamed of what I do. On the contrariety, I felt guilty for enjoying my job. I was raised to think that sexual acts outside of the marriage was a sin and should be punished for. It gave me very conflicting feelings on what to do because I was under the impression that if we were to tell our family about my job, that they would react extremely bad. 
My mother is my best friend. She always has been and always will be. Socrates family are like my second parents. Their all amazing people. A part of me always wanted to tell them, but not until after I was done with this part of my life, years down the road. So they would see that I was not putting myself or my little family in danger.

A model (who shall remain nameless, but trust me, I have the screen caps dear, I know exactly who you are!) dug around and somehow found out my information. A dear friend who is Switzerland between us came to me and showed me what he was sent by her. I was horrified. But he promised he would not share it to anyone else, but thought I should know that she is showing it around to others. He personally gives no fucks about my home life, because he isn't paying me for that. 

That is when Soc and I decided it would be best for us to tell them now, before some stranger shows them what I do. 

They were PROUD.
Really? How can you be proud of me after all these years of shoving sexual oppression in my face?
Their happy for me and Socrates. They said they have noticed that him and I have been happier for about the length of time I have been doing this. They are so joy full that we are able to communicate and not hold back things like they felt they had to. They feel like they raised us right. And they know that we are doing what is best for our family, and that they know we would never ever put our child in danger with this.  

I'm confused and flattered, and a bit upset. I was expecting tears and yelling and being cut off from my family. Not being brought closer. It made me mad that I held this in for so damn long.

So, dear cam model Thank you for digging around to find out my information. I hope you feel better now. Thank you for bringing our close tight nit family even closer. I honestly never thought I would thank you for a damn thing in the entire time I've known you. Thanks for pushing me just that tid bit over the edge so I could be open with my family. I hated having to shut them off from a part of my life for this long. And they know about you too and that you are the reason why I told them. They say thank you, but your a cold hearted jealous bitch for trying to out girls on here. Its a dangerous game to play and could actually get someone hurt in the process. So, even though my story came out so much better than you were wishing, others could actually be killed from this game you are playing. Just because you don't care that everyone knows your information, doesn't mean the rest of us want the world to know where we live and our names. Some of us actually do have to worry about people stalking us. 


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