Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Art of Chatting..

my keyboard is horrible so I wont say much right now.


Revised 9-25-2013

My good computer is finally back so now I am able to voice my opinion with a decent keyboard that isn't all jammed together like a slinky in a box.

***note: I use a non token user as an example but this goes for ANYONE. I will post a separate blog for crammers visiting rooms.

The Art of Chatting...
in a cam room.
Let us start with the basics of it all. You are a chatter in a sex site. You do not purchase tokens because you don't have the money to spend freely, but you do love talking to these amazing men and women who are on cam for you. You are always frustrated and feel like all these people want is your money and keep silencing you at every opportunity they see fit. .... Right?
You need some help, because you keep getting your right to talk taken away, and even sometimes, your right to view. This isn't always fun, and sometimes you didn't even mean to. You are the person I want to help. Not that odd ball two computers over, but you. 

Step 1 : Watch the chat, not just the cam.
                 This is super important. You need to know what is going on in the chat so you know what everyone is talking about and can chime in appropriately. 

Example--- Chat is talking about Star Wars Vs Star Trek....
    Guy 1 : Star wars is amazing simply 4 JABA!
     Guy 2 : I love Star wars! So many guns!
   You: I love your tits sweetie

Even though you very well may like her tits, if you just come out of no where saying that, any Mod will think you are a troll and kick your ass into 6 hours of quite time. Next time say something like, "cammers tits are better than Princess Leia's."

Step 2: Never ever ever EVER demand or ask for the cammer to do something naughty!
                Seriously. All the cam folk have been around long enough to know when someone is trying to coax us into doing something to get said user to cum.  We know about fetishes rare and common, and the obvious "show pussy" is super dumb. Just don't do it. Appreciate the nip slips and feet peeks that you do get, and when you are able to pay to play, PLAY! 

Step 3: "I get paid on Friday."
                 This by far has to be the biggest load of shit I have ever seen. It pretty much means, "I'm scared to say that I'm not able to buy tokens, but I want you to love me anyway."
                 Its much easier to tell the truth to us. We all understand that not everyone can buy tokens. Hell, even I cannot buy tokens. I know many more non paying users than I do paying ones, and I like them just fine. Its really nice to have people on here just to talk to. Don't get our hopes up, then get them slammed down. Unless you are into hurting girls feelings, in that case...get the fuck out, we don't like your kind. 

Step 4: Pet names
               Before you ever call a cammer anything but her posted name, find out if it is okay. Read the bio, ask her, ask the mods! 

Its super late, and I really can't think of more basics than that. If you can, please post a comment and lemme know! And I will make a part two if I get enough ideas! 

I will be posting something like this for cammers going into rooms soon!

Thank you for reading!

Love Bell and Fap Happily!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Jealousy among cam models

Jealousy is a thing that we see every day. In our lives, among strangers in public, and of course of fellow cam girls on here.

Let me start by saying that, it is okay to be envious of someone. To wish that you were just like them, or were able to do things like them. Most everyone has a role model of some type they want to aspire to be like. To me, as a cammer, I wanted to be as relaxed and happy in front of the cam as my favorite couple cam. They were always so happy to be there, talking to everyone, playing all the time. I watched them every time they were on. watched how they talked to their users, asked them if I could take some ideas they were using. They were very helpful and more than kind to me, and other cammers that wanted to aspire to be as amazing as they were. This envy only works when you are striving to be like them, not to take them down or to ruin their career. Rather, to better yours in a positive way.

Jealousy on the other hand is a whole other devil. Jealousy is an emotion, and the word typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something of great personal value, particularly in reference to an existing connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. In its original meaning, jealousy is distinct from envy, though the two terms have popularly become synonymous in the English language, with jealousy now also taking on the definition originally used for envy alone. Jealousy is a familiar experience in human connections

In the past few months I have seen a surge of jealousy of cam girls unlike any other.  Girls are blocking females cammers from coming into their room, spying on others and attempting to turn tippers against cam girls.  This is not okay. We should all care about each other. We should all want each other to be successful. The more successful we are as a whole, the better off the site is. This in turn, make the site better, bringing in more users and more talented men and women cammers. Its just good for everyone. 

Do not be jealous of a person because they are making more than you, seem happier than you, have more followers, ect. This shows on your cam as insecurity in yourself. No one wants to watch an insecure person. Its just awkward.  We all came here for sexual relief and relaxation, not to feel weird.  

Now lets say you are a person that is jealous of another cammer, or possibly multiple cammers. You are sick of feeling this way, and just want to get them out of your head and move on with your life right?  The first step is to ask yourself why you are jealous of this person, what makes you tick when you see them. Don't say "because they exists" Its further than that, you know it and I know it. The second thing is to confront them about it. For all you know there may just be some miscommunication. Don't be aggressive, all this is going to do is make everyone upset. Just be calm, and say, I've been a bit jealous (YOU HAVE TO ADMIT THIS) of you for ____ and ____ . I felt really ____ about it and I don't like it. From my side it seems like you ____. *note: never accuse them of doing anything, always tell them how you see it, and how it makes you feel. Accusations will get you no where except upsetville. If they are not willing to listen, or talk to you,  then your gut is probably right and you should just leave them be and they will get what is coming to them. ORRRR they will hear you out, then tell you what is going on and that will be that. You will either get whatever you needed said and be friends, or get what you needed said, and never have to bother with them again.

"I've already talked to them and it didn't work"

       Then why are you still jealous? What is your plan to overcome this jealousy and move on? 

"I'm scared to talk to them"

        Why are you scared? Do they have something on you that you don't want the public to know? If that is the case, you are best off just leaving said person alone and moving on with your life.  If you are worried they are still going to let the public know whatever then you should just let the site owner know about it. 

"I don't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing I'm jealous."

        This sounds like jealousy mixed with pride. You need to put your pride aside for a minute. Its good to know that you hold self worth in yourself, but there is obviously something about them that is bugging you down to your core.  Put your pride aside because I'm sure that you don't even cross their mind that much.  Talk to them, get it figured out.

"They hate me."

         How do you know? And why do you care? Talk to them, and figure it out, it may be yet another miscommunication gap.

I could go on and on with excuses about why you don't want to confront them but the truth of the matter is, its going to eat you up until it effects your camming. I will admit that when I first started, I was jealous of a few girls, doubted myself over it, and my camming did suffer. I bucked up, talked it through and actually made some friends from it and am now doing more successful then I thought I would ever be.  The one thing you have to remember is to not get upset when you see someone that you see in your room, tipping or talking to a cammer that you are jealous of or don't like very much. This is the Internet and they should be allowed to go and view whoever they want and shouldn't be afraid to go into a room in fear that you are hiding in there. It kills their boner. Live and let live. 

Love you all. Fap Happily.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Do the numbers even matter?

The numbers in your room. Do they matter? If someone has a higher number of people in their room than yours, does that make them better? Are you less skilled because you have fewer, or more skilled because you have more?


By no, I mean. The numbers don't really matter. Well, they kind of do. But not in the way that you are probably thinking. I see a lot of cammers get discouraged by seeing men and women with 10k+ followers, while they only have maybe 2000 followers, and become further discouraged by the amount of people they have while online, with 400 or higher, while you only have 80 or so.

All the "big time cammers" that you see, started off at the bottom of the totem pole, just as you have, and worked their way up. They once felt they way you are now. With a positive attitude and  putting some effort hard work into it, you can get to where you are wanting to be. Which is in their seat.

You should never focus on the numbers of followers and visitors in your room. The more you focus on that the more you will worry, and that will show through your facial expression, turning off your viewers making them go to a room where someone is actually focused on what they should be doing. Its all a bit of a vicious circle if you ask me. But this circle can become positive if you want it to be. Never focus on how many people are in your room, rather on entertaining them, keep on smiling cause those are sure contagious and everyone is going to want to know what in the hell you are grinning about (making people come in), keep the focus on you and the people in the room. How happy you are to see them, how horny they make you, the dreams you had last night, if you thought about them at all that day. Keep it positive and light, and before you know it, you are going to have what you want in your room : viewers.

With that being said, you don't want any and all viewers in your room. Everyone knows trolls are never fun to work with, and they try their best to ruin a show. They are like virtual pimples. They show up out of no where, the only thing you see is them even though it doesnt even take up a percent of your body! Don't play into their games, just silence them and move on. Don't even make a comment about it. If you have good moderators, you wont even have to worry about silencing them yourself.  You do want to attract nice people, and that is done by, being nice! Never doubt yourself, always take the compliments you are given, and always give a compliment back!

I know this didn't have to many tips other than, staying positive, and don't look at the numbers, but seriously if you don't look at the numbers, they will get better. Its like trying to watch a bamboo tree grow, you can almost see it growing before your eyes, but if you leave the plant in the back of the room for a day, and then come back to it later, it grew a foot! Or, when you keep looking for something, and you drive yourself crazy because you cannot find it; once you give up, it just appears! All you had to do was relax. I hope my point is getting across. I'm not sure if it is. I'm horrible with numbers, But I do know this does work.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to be good at Camming...

I wish that there was a clear cut set of steps and rules, to make yourself successful at being a web cam model. There isn't. This is not an easy job, and you do have to work at it. Its easier for some, and harder for others, but every man and woman that does this does have to put their time!

When looking at this from a business point of view, you will see that this is a very lucrative sales position. You get to set your own goals, and pace, as well as your own hours and you get to choose your clients.What you make is strictly up to you. Seems like a dream job. As the old saying goes however, If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Yes, all of those things may be true, but sales isn't for everyone, however nice and easy the job may sound. You must have a "yes" personality, and be quick on your toes. Keep your focus on your clients, and keep their focus on you. Be prepared to invest into your work. You are going to have to purchase equipment for this job, before others do it for you. Things such as a toy or three, a good lamp, an internet connection that is at or above 25mbps, and a camera that is nice as you can find.
If you arn't willing to compromise, talk to strangers all day about how amazing you are, use a 'yes' attitude , invest into your work and try new things; This job isn't for you. If It is, GREAT!

Like I said earlier, all you really need to get started off are a few things.

  • Lighting. This is super important. Make sure that they can see you!! This is so important and I see lack of light happen in too many rooms. 
  • Movement. Don't be glued to one spot. The more you move around the more they can see your body, what it can do, what it looks like in different positions. Its a great way to keep them in your retained, and to have new people come in as well.
  • Communication: Talk to everyone. EVERYONE. When a user says hello, that's when you say hello back!Ask how they are, kick off the conversation. Do not focus on weather or not it appears they have no tokens. A non paying user can surprise you by turning into a paying user just for you, because you talked to them. Its happened to me many times. Just keep a convo going in a room and you will be surprised at how many awesome people you meet, and how much better you get paid. 
  • Connection: Nothing, and I mean nothing, is worse than a bad internet connection for a cammer or a user. When your internet drops, Your room closes out, no one else can get in, the people in the room have to wait and wonder; "Did I just waste my money on this gal?" or "Is she even going to come back?" you don't want them thinking that. If your WiFi isn't steady, use your plug in until you get your Wifi under control.
  • NO FAKING! I mean it! If you arn't enjoying that dildo being in your pussy, it shows. If you arn't liking that hitachi virating your clit into oblivion, that also shows. Watching a girl rub herself who is "super super horny", yet has a face of stone when she is going at it tells the user that their money just got stolen from them, and he will never come back. If for whatever reason you are not into it, do at least make a show out of it. 
Those are just a few things, there is a lot more that it takes, but those are just the basics. You have to build off those. As I said earlier however, some people just are not meant for sales. But that doesnt mean give up if it doesn't seem to be going the way you think it should be. Try something new, see if that works for you instead. Keep trying new things until you find something that your followers enjoy and you also enjoy.

Monday, September 9, 2013

I am not perfect, but I am perfect.

Body types, everyone has a body type. Everyone has a body type they find sexy. Everyone has a body type that makes them, for lack of a better word, cringe. As a Cam Model, your body is a good part of your work. You must love your body. Despite what anyone says about your body, you must realize that it is your body. You only have one, no one has a body like it. You are unique and special and beautiful, and must see that. 

I remember, before I started this, I was always self conscious of how I looked. I wasn't like the other girls growing up. I started puberty early, had breasts before any of my friends. Surprisingly I was pretty tall as a child. But I did ALL of my growing before I was even in the 5th grade. All my friends before we graduated had small hips, small shoulders, small breasts, a gap between their thighs when they were standing,long thin legs, you could see their hip bones, most of them wore a size 4 pants or smaller. 

Before I had my child, I was a size 6 pants, 36C, my legs, looked just the same as they do now, curvy soft yet solid build. I had a flat hard stomach, but it was not thin. Not a jiggle in the wrong spot. not a stretch mark to speak of. I should have seen myself as sexy, yet I didn't. I only saw how I was different from other girls, therefore thinking that I was fat, ugly, unattractive. It only got worse as time went on. I got strech marks as I was pregnant, and the birth control I was on made me gain a lot of unwanted weight. I started camming anyways. There were many users who had not nice things to say to me. But, there were also people who loved me, genuinely loved every bit of me. Every curve, crevasse, scar, dimple. It made me realize, If I love my body, no matter what I look like, then they will love me just as equally. 

Now, I realize that I was beautiful before, and I am beautiful now. Some people do not see my beauty, they see my body as a war zone, where I see it as a temple that is somewhat, under construction. It isn't my job to make people that do not like my body, change their mind; but to relish in the fact that there are men and women who see my body and want to have it, want to kiss it, touch it, connect themselves to it. The compliments that I get on how I look far outweigh the negativity that I receive. 

If you have any body issues, always remember that, you are the only one that looks like you. You are unique, and you are someone's fantasy girl/guy. You are perfect, even if you are not. You must love you. If you don't love your body for whatever reason, think of what you don't like about it. Actually think about it. What would make yourself love you? What do you have to do to make that happen? Remember, these people want you to love your body, it makes it that much sexier. Never doubt yourself.