Thursday, September 12, 2013

Do the numbers even matter?

The numbers in your room. Do they matter? If someone has a higher number of people in their room than yours, does that make them better? Are you less skilled because you have fewer, or more skilled because you have more?


By no, I mean. The numbers don't really matter. Well, they kind of do. But not in the way that you are probably thinking. I see a lot of cammers get discouraged by seeing men and women with 10k+ followers, while they only have maybe 2000 followers, and become further discouraged by the amount of people they have while online, with 400 or higher, while you only have 80 or so.

All the "big time cammers" that you see, started off at the bottom of the totem pole, just as you have, and worked their way up. They once felt they way you are now. With a positive attitude and  putting some effort hard work into it, you can get to where you are wanting to be. Which is in their seat.

You should never focus on the numbers of followers and visitors in your room. The more you focus on that the more you will worry, and that will show through your facial expression, turning off your viewers making them go to a room where someone is actually focused on what they should be doing. Its all a bit of a vicious circle if you ask me. But this circle can become positive if you want it to be. Never focus on how many people are in your room, rather on entertaining them, keep on smiling cause those are sure contagious and everyone is going to want to know what in the hell you are grinning about (making people come in), keep the focus on you and the people in the room. How happy you are to see them, how horny they make you, the dreams you had last night, if you thought about them at all that day. Keep it positive and light, and before you know it, you are going to have what you want in your room : viewers.

With that being said, you don't want any and all viewers in your room. Everyone knows trolls are never fun to work with, and they try their best to ruin a show. They are like virtual pimples. They show up out of no where, the only thing you see is them even though it doesnt even take up a percent of your body! Don't play into their games, just silence them and move on. Don't even make a comment about it. If you have good moderators, you wont even have to worry about silencing them yourself.  You do want to attract nice people, and that is done by, being nice! Never doubt yourself, always take the compliments you are given, and always give a compliment back!

I know this didn't have to many tips other than, staying positive, and don't look at the numbers, but seriously if you don't look at the numbers, they will get better. Its like trying to watch a bamboo tree grow, you can almost see it growing before your eyes, but if you leave the plant in the back of the room for a day, and then come back to it later, it grew a foot! Or, when you keep looking for something, and you drive yourself crazy because you cannot find it; once you give up, it just appears! All you had to do was relax. I hope my point is getting across. I'm not sure if it is. I'm horrible with numbers, But I do know this does work.


  1. To me, tips are just a bonus, i cam for the convorsations that develop. The variety of minds makes chat VERY interesting to say the least

  2. What a good mindset to have Jay! It is truly a miracle that we get to talk to people on the other side of the world this easily. Some people take that for granted.

  3. Bell that was an awesome and insightful blog post, that should be the first thing any aspiring cam girl or boy should look at before starting his or her first show.

    I have seen it myself, girls who always worry about followers or people in their room at any certain time and I can see with a lot of them it does make them worry and second guess themselves. For a first time cammer it is devastating, they start to worry if its them that's causing it, if its the way they act or the way they look and a self esteem issue is the worst thing to have when you are in front of so many people, before you know it the girl is camera shy and that right there could be the end to their cam career.

    While numbers and active tippers in a room do help wrangle in more viewers and prospective tippers that doesn't always mean much to the overall product.

    Good example was a gal named blondegirl, she took large toys and did... well you can get the drift. for a few days she had a ton of viewers and tippers, all was good for her but slowly the viewers and tippers tapered off till she had no tippers and only a hand full of viewers. it was because she had no personality, she had no interaction with her room, she was more or less a one trick pony. Even the most extreme things get old, without a good personality and rapport with the viewers eventually they will get bored and leave.

    That's why you are correct that people shouldn't focus on the numbers game, they should focus on becoming relaxed on cam, to don't put on an act, to be naturally who they are. They need to have fun with it instead of seeing it just as a job and above all get to know their viewers. Once you get their hearts and minds the cash will eventually follow.

    1. I'm really happy to see that my point did get seen. The person you used as an example would be what I call a chaturbate anomaly, or the music industry would call her a one hit wonder, Tv would say she had her 15 minutes of fame. I think about 20% of the people that get huge really fast, seem to get out of that anomaly section, and just become amazing cammers, simply for the fact that they are, as you said, building rapport with the users, and have lots of little tricks in their bag. Thank you for reading Darth! I really appreciate it!
